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The site closed, but the blog is still open.




Donny Blogs
( *All Content is - unless signs show different ):


Pop Back - April 2, 2024, 7pm PDT :

J.E. how are you? I want to help you if I can, so please come back at or after 2030. In C, you speak of sinking? It looks like you're giving up on yourself. I checked only a couple of things. I care about you.
I'm very sick now from stress, so please forgive my ability to express myself. To be courteous, your life is off limits to me. It looks like you married and that's good. I didn't see your spouse, although for you 2 I hope the best. I look back a couple of years, and it looks like you hurt T in some way. Was she upset with you? I don't know.
The day I left, I didn't look back until today. Please be free and live your life.Don't worry about me. To preserve your personal life, unlikely I will look back until another couple of years. It'll be fine.
I wish you great luck.







Pop Back - October 19, 2023, 9pm PDT :

I heard President Joe Biden when he publicly had been speaking about the Israeli and Hamas war, who spoke a couple of hours ago. This is 1 day after the visit to Israel.

I feel this is a mighty fine speech; Brave, inspirational and helpful, his speech and actions.

The movie I watched is 14 minutes.





Pop Back - May 5, 2023, 12am PDT :


Pup Apples




Pop Back - May 4, 2023, 7am PDT :

Popping back, here is a sketch drawing:

Suit and Fish




Pop Back - March 3, 2023, 8am PDT :

I've been trying to get to "Yearly" but had met much distraction from other activities. You may undestandably call that an excuse. Here are other papers similar to the last blog, if you might care to look :

Pop Back - March 3, 2023, 8am PDT :

I'll explain the last blog better, when I next update "Yearly". Though it's actual, you may find this subject interesting or amusing:


Pop Back - Jan 22, 2023, 5:40pm PDT :


Hi everyone. This message may not be for all. If you're reading this enough to care, it might likely be for you.

Very recently, I relaxed to participate in some entertainment. After halfway, I feel an explanation would clear up some personal characteristics.
First, I have an idea about fellow men in general. They are independent, self-sufficient; Add friends or a significant partner, they are even more so.
Secondly, I hold a belief that first you should help yourself before you can help others. For example, when a person fixes his car, he should wholly finish his duty first, before he attempts to help fix another person's car too. He can then best give guidance to others. On the contrary, if you attempt to fix your car and 7 other people's cars all at the same time, when you likely not finish your own car yet, you haven't gained the experience to help another person fix his/her car.

For my case, when I'm in the present occasion at helping myself, I should do that first before I help another person. During my absence, if you very much want my help, I'm perfectly glad to help, younger or older. Though, while in the current process of doing something for myself, I'm hoping your self-reliance and self-dependence will strengthen you in the meantime until I'm able to get to you. I project 2026, but it may be as late as 2027.
I don't expect anyone to need me immediately. When you do, and I don't respond on time please don't take an offense. Please don't be angry or believe I don't care. It simply means, I wish I could, but for some time I'm unable to significantly help others. If you're counting on me, I want to be there. Keep up the superb products. If you gave support, a high thanks.

BTW, hopefully I can finally update Yearly.

(My apologies, but for understandable reasons this message excludes a single individual , who's been notified already.)


I have drawn myself as wearing a magician's outfit, beginning at Halloween. Yet, I leave the remarkable magic worlds or animals, to the masters of magic or animals. I've mentioned, I'm not an animal artist, though sometimes they appear in brief works. Next, I haven't a plan to incorporate magic in my work. I find the effects quite appealing, captivating, and splendid, but I'll leave it to you guys.
(Note: When I write quick messages, I may offend another person. In this case, please forgive me.)




Pop Back - Nov 18, 2022, 10am PDT :

This is for 1 specific person, and could cause distress to persons it's not targeted for who choose to read it, when the full situation is not understood. I ask, please proceed with caution. Thanks.


Pop Back - SEP 16, 2022, 10am PDT :

Caution: This is for 1 specific person, and could cause distress to persons it's not targeted for who choose to read it, when the full situation is not understood. I've only encountered this in a single individual. I'm usually receptive to any friendship - I can accept them at a later and more right time, as I had mentioned below. I ask, please proceed with caution. Thanks.





Pop Back - JUNE 10, 2022:

Gentlemen and Ladies, Or Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for your time and much effort spent for when you gave excellent work. Please forgive me when it seems the feeling is that I've been ignoring you, or that I'm disinterested. I can briefly explain. I've been caught in an uncomfortable situation for a very long time which took away my attention. For more than a year, much of my time to do many things, and extra activities had been swept away. An added difficulty for this time, is I missed opportunities to respond because usually I had found it's better to give nothing at all, than for you to feel insulted when I gave back very little when I had only little time. In return, I couldn't quickly give too little, and has little value. For each instance, I must reserve a nice amount of time to give in return by a special piece. For some, I don't know how to repay such great efforts. To give back greatly, is something I want to do, but would take considerably the time I didn't have. Even when I wanted to compensate or respond immediately when I felt the need, during those important times I was usually in the process of completing some duty, then to avoid stress the time for my rest had followed. Gentlemen please give your attention for a moment; I must especially inform you seriously, honestly, and openly, I probably can't do anything until the year 2025, or better is 2026. If you feel I've been disinterested, this is the reason - knowing that not much can be done now. Although, I'm very interested in many offers for future relationships. In this case, it would be better to forget me now, then check on me in 2026. For some ladies, I feel really awful that I wasn't able to respond when I felt it was necessary - either because I didn't have any time left, or because I've been dedicated toward a relationship or relationships. I do care, but when the time came to return at least some gratitude, I didn't have the privilege to for one of few main reasons. I very much appreciate all the things done and I'm always thinking about getting back to each one of you, guy or girl. Take care.


( If there are many years of offensives I've received from anyone, I'm sorry any relationship between me and this person I will no longer consider. If there is any such person, it is likely I have expressed it in some very noticeable form, and in a dozen instances. It's only natural, and I don't mean to offend. Good luck, thank you. )







Pop Back - OCTOBER, 2021, 3:50 am pdt:

This concerns only a few:

Explain (unlinked)



Pop Back - AUGUST 19, 2021, night pdt:


I need to correct a fact I gave about "Taliban in Afghanistan".
My aim after I spent a casual and limited amount of time for this subject was more to briefly give the current situation and precaution about the Taliban, other than giving precise facts by spending ample time.

The slight mistake I had given was though it's true that President Joe Biden was informed about the Taliban outcome of the takeover, it's untrue when I said,"he," in,"....he may likely be right....," which here means this was 'his' information. This wasn't 'his' information but rather it was 'his intelligence community's' information.

he = his intelligence community

'If' and 'when' Afghanistan would collapse through the Taliban takeover were the main 2 doubts against the assurance of choosing to remain there and continue our support - it seems. Because in a situation that I (as a person) knew both 'if' someone was going to fall and turn helpless 'immediately' after I left, my reaction would be to remain. The intelligence community 'believed' it would happen (yet didn't know exactly 'when'), but didn't convince the President. Since both these doubts remained it may have been the reason for the President the choice to leave may have seemed better.

Also, Covid is our biggest known threat today with the greatest loss of life in perhaps all of history, and I can understand if the President has most his concentration there.



Pop Back - AUGUST 18, 2021, 10:20pm pdt:

Taliban in Afghanistan

The Taliban has taken over and now rules the country of Afghanistan.

I believe a probable reality is that our country is going to face or deal with a possible attack within one year, or even as little as about 4 months by the Taliban or a similar Islamic extremist group.

President Joe Biden has all the comprehensive info about the subject, and he may likely be right that Afghanistan was already headed to this eventual result of the Taliban rule. Also by the President's information understands greater than us at this point, that the U.S. departure could overall be a good decision.

In any case, for the Taliban to succeed in the 20 year fight against Afghanistan with U.S. co-op brings them more confidence. This confidence that may turn on us. If Afghanistan fell shortly after we left, then they could probably see that much of the power that fought them back have been the responsibility of the U.S. Now that the Taliban has firmly established their base of Afghanistan, they may consider us a threat, and even take revenge especially after fighting against them for 20 years. Taliban are known as terrorists and use violence to advance there beliefs. Guys with guns probably want to use them. Also, their religion may call for them to have everyone adopt it, by expansion. They may find other countries are open for their influence.

Usually, each storm fades to a clear day. I have a confidence that President Joe Biden can overcome this challenge -- of the possible Taliban retaliation and Covid. I believe the President, the Vice President, and the people who work for and with the White House have the highest skills and efficiency of are working together toward a resolution.

*Update: 8/19 - morn. | 11:20pm



Pop Back - JULY 31, 2021:




I'm thankful at how speedy the President got us free vaccines.
By May was a surprise. Above all else, we really need them - thanks.


Pop Back - JULY 25, 2021:

P. Storm. the Cap. - ADD

I have to catch up to current events. It could be because I don't follow the current news that I don't have the same dislike I feel from certain people that they seem to have for Mr. Donald Trump. So I only talk about this one situation, which I gave effort to understand.The news can get complicated or overwhelming enough that a person would probably dedicate a real portion of his time to understand it all. I have many other concerns.

Concerning "People Storming the Capital" I have to clear up the meaning in a sentence. I said between "normal people" (Paragraph 5), which may not be understood. By this I meant "normal people" who are not on the police force, that understand the rights of the people enough to guide and direct them, or from the foundation of the courts and their judges who further provide certain direction for the people.
"Normal people"means people who are not in these 2 fields of police or court. Because by legal right a policeman or court who are masters of right and wrong (who are not "normal people") can"...control the wrong actions of another person," as I previously mentioned.
Patriotism = love of country. To translate it a different way, Mr. Trump seems to have said, "through peace and love of our country, make a speech". Why this caused a riot is why I'm confused.


Pop Back - FEB 5, 2021:


People Storming the Capitol

As I'm writing this (about a week before the publish date above), I have recently heard the highlight of Mr. Trump's speech on Jan 6, 2021 from the news. I haven't heard the complete speech yet. What I heard from it puzzles me how it could result as people breaking in and storming the Capital Building. 2 different sources showed the same clip.
He said "....and we'(re) gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women... ", and " have to show strength, and you have to be strong..."
So far I can't see what's wrong with what was said in the highlights. Is 'this' what caused people to break windows?

I can be corrected, but this is something I consider. When he says,"cheer on," 'cheer' is something you do (or a crowd does) when someone has made an winning touchdown, or when someone has won a valuable award, and is usually used in a celebration and positive context, manner, or tone.

The "strength' and 'being strong' parts is perhaps in everything we want to do. This includes going to your first day at school, your first day at work, winning a sports contest in front of your peers, asking a girl/guy out, making a speech in front of an audience, being in a boxing match, winning an important card game, being in a basketball game in front of a crowd. It's a normal part of life.

I read he also said/mentioned,"
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

It's kinda like if Parent A says to Parent B," Please stop your child from insulting my son." If Parent B of the naughty child then wrongly puts a whole tube of "super glue" on a child's lips (to stop the child from talking altogether), is it Parent A's fault for what Parent B wrongly did to his child?
Between normal people, you can't really control the wrong actions of another person. Eventually each person is responsible for his/her own actions, especially if they are adults. Does this sound right?

If from "cheer on" and "be strong" caused it, it's unbelievable it inspired people to break the Capitol Building's windows in. That's partially funny because they must have been really inspired by his speech. However, to cause 3 or 4 deaths (one source said "3", another said "4") and that's when it's not funny at all.
Since I've been on break, I really didn't know or pay much attention because there's nothing much I can do anyways (unless I was part of the government). We can only let events play out in the direction they already are going when we aren't able to take a part . Especially if I'm correct about this news highlight that may have caused it, I hope Mr. Trump will once again find his stride and is alright. I'll have to check what's happening at another time. It takes much time to read the info to understand current events and watch the news.

Please also understand, this very late response is because I've been mostly on vacation. In addition to that, the last time I let my mouth loose and spoke too much I had to give an effort more than what I could give, even double would I had to give because I needed to clear something that could have been misunderstood or misinterpreted. While I was rejuvenating through break and after when I read about this matter near the 23rd, I felt I couldn't give an opinion until I was ready to write anything extra, that would take more effort, to compensate for anything I missed and could create another misunderstanding.



[ This blog has been reset to restart the new year.]






Pop Back - DEC 10, 201?:


(Note: Love food but not planning on becoming a cook, or especially professionally.).
I used to enjoy a lot watching cake making contests on the 'Food Network'.)





Graphic - New